We would like to thank the many volunteers that make Keep Well Antigonish possible as well as the volunteers who form our Board of Directors.

Board of Directors
President | Ann Bigelow |
Vice-President | Brenda MacKinnon |
Secretary | Michelle Power |
Treasurer | Nicola Aquino |
Director at Large | Anu Joshi |
Director at Large | Linda Henke |
Director at Large | Emily Hurst |
The People’s Place Library (Antigonish Town and County Library)
Sisters of St. Martha’s of Antigonish
Antigonish County Recreation
Town of Antigonish Recreation
Community Links Nova Scotia
Thank you to our funders for their support. Keep Well Antigonish has been funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program, Nova Scotia Department of Seniors Age Friendly Communities Grant, Guysborough Antigonish Strait Richmond Community Health Board’s Wellness Fund, Nova Scotia Community Links Seniors’ Support and Connect Grant as well as local grants from Antigonish Town and County and donations from the Sisters of St. Martha’s of Antigonish.

Thank you
Thank you to the individuals and groups who have supported Keep Well Antigonish.